Things happening with Drumz Austin

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Remember that DRUMZ is now open noon to 6pm Tuesday through Saturday in the newly remodeled cottage in the back! We have a beginner adult hand drumming class that meets from 10am-11am on Saturday mornings now so we are no longer opening at 10am on Saturdays. We have a very beautiful selection of djembes in stock at the present time, including several sizes of the spectacular Master Drum series from Guinea and Mali, a great selection of Kangaba djembes of varied sizes from Mali, and Ivory Coast djembes ( beautiful ones for $299!), as well as our usual array of doumbeks, log drums, djundun sets, bodrhans and frame drums, bongos, talking drums, bougarabous and even African snare drums ( the breketes from Ghana)! We also have a wide range of hand held percussion instruments including tambourines, claves, shekeres, frogs and grasshoppers from Thailand, kalimbas ( thumb pianos) , didgeridoos and lots, lots more! We just received a shipment of Tibetan singing bowls that are exquisite and our gongs are available in several sizes and styles! Come by a enjoy a hands on experience any time! The Spring weather will be here soon and the pathway and gardens in the back will be green and lush and full again, so come enjoy a little taste of paradise and percussion! I look forward to seeing you soon!
In peace and gratitude,